It is dark and about minus 10 outside and I am about to make my umpteenth trip up the forestry track with my toboggan laden with presents. This is because my car is at the end of the track, next to the gritted road. It's a good thing really as with a foot of snow on the ground already I had another six inches last night. Hurrah.
When I bought my presents I was rather delighted with the scale of some of them. They were so excitingly large after all. Their size is infintely less appealing when they have to all be carried nearly a mile on a toboggan and you can only fit one or two on at a time.
It is at this point that I realise the true value of book tokens. With just a laden pocket I could have skipped out of the hovel for Christmas. Why or why didn't I think of this a month ago???
Anyway, here are some snowy photos of the view from my garden to put you all in the Christmas spirit. Think of me with my sledge of presents under the starry sky. I had better watch out as with my stomach's profile I could easily be mistaken for Father Christmas.....
One more for you - I took this two nights ago as I took the first toboggan load up. Yes, that's the moon.....
1 week ago
Oh, so delightful to see your winter pictures of Canada.
Um, er, ah — wait a minute. You're not in Canada. You're in Wales. Hmmmm.
And having to lug things up by toboggan. Haven't had to do that for a long time. Distinctly I remember, though. . . .
I trust your adventuring through the snow didn't prevent you from getting to your two (count 'em, two!) Christmas parties.
Best wishes to you and Loyal Hound for a happy Christmas. Despite all the white stuff.
Nice post
Merry Christmas and hope you have a brilliant year ahead
I hope you are getting all this present lugging about done in daylight! Looks stunning but hard work. How did the parties go?
Rob-bear - do you know, I didn't make either of them, though due to flu rather than snow. At least it took the dressing dilemma out of the equation!
Teaching Resources Mary - Thank you! Hope you had a lovely christmas too, and have a happy and fabulous year.
Elizabeth - presents reached the car in one piece. I am in bits though!
Book tokens do solve a problem, but they're not very inspiring gifts, to be honest.
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