I haven't had a moment to show you the landscape that I have moved into. Last night, during a brief break in the torrential, Malaysian style rainstorms, I took the Loyal Hound along the track from the house and took these photos for you of the nearby puddle.
This is what lies round the corner from the hovel, quite literally three minutes walk away.....
I know, it's pretty terrible isn't it? Wait till I take some pictures on a sunny day, then you'll really see how awful it can be.....
2 weeks ago
You lucky so-and-so. Don't EVER moan about your new home again:-)
How horrible for you. I feel so sorry for you thst I'm willing to exchange homes RIGHT NOW!
stop yer moanin sweetie pie!
Wow - I never thought I'd say it but I want to move to Wales now
Gah, how absolutely ghastly! Swapsies?
I should point out in my defense, that though ridiculously close, sadly the LLyn is not in view from anywhere in the hovel. I would have felt totally different about the house if it were. Why looking at water should make such a difference I don't know....
So, I promise I'll try not to moan anymore and anyone looking to swap? Show me your nearest view....
Oh wow, so jealous. You don't get views like that in the city! Although Karlsruhe is pretty green as cities go and within half an hour of the countryside so I can't really complain.
Just catching up with blogs and had to laugh at your previous entry about your mad neighbour and her offer of horses....... With luck by the time she comes back they will have got her meds sorted. Meanwhile, your views are FABULOUS! I think you made a good choice of hovel. Are you settling in and happy?
I am 100% jealous again. 100%!
Bevchen - If I could change one thing, it would be to have those views out of just one window of the house. Now that would be amazing. Not that it isn't lovely to have them just round the corner.
Justme - I am thank you! It is definitely starting to feel like home, rather than a spooky stranger's house.
Singlutionary - it sort of reminds me of Jenny Lakes in the Tetons, have you been there? Very fine camping spot!
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