It turned out to be the nicer of the two potentials who had paid for the sub. That's good isn't it?? Or does it mean he isn't actually nice but finds his victims by paying for three days of internet dating subscription for them?
Anyway, there has been a flurry of e mails and he is obviously deluded since he has decided that I am God's gift to internet dating. Seriously, he has. Hold on and I'll get some of his e mails off the site and put them here so you can judge for yourselves.... Here goes:
He says that I have "a most captivating smile hinting at the nature of your character" and that "Frankly,i'm quite taken aback by the fact that a random decision to join this site has resulted in....well,meeting up with someone like you.." and then "I am truly,truly still coming to grips with the fact that one can get a sense of empathy with someone never met or laid eyes on."
This is good isn't it? Or is it the sign of a deranged person? Aaargh. I don't know.
So what else do you need to know? He is tall (hooray - a man who is taller than me!), he doesn't wear cravats (I had to check), he seems to have a sense of humour, he works in the hospitality industry, he is VERY keen. He has already given me his e mail address, telephone number and skype address and he wants to meet on Friday because he is coming to caernarvon for work.
Should I? Meet him I mean. If I do, at least I get to find out now whether the whole thing is worth pursuing or not. That's a good thing isn't it? Typically he won't have a car so I'll have to drive there and it is about an hour and a quarter for a cup of coffee then the same back. Annoying if he is as disastrous as all the other cybermen.
Advice please. Do I meet up with him or not?
1 week ago
hmmm. if you do, make sureyou leave his address and photo and everything with friends...let him know people are expecting you later. OH MY GOD I SOUND LIKE MY MOTHER
Meet him, it couldn't hurt. But I agree with screamish...leave his details with friends, and make a point of telling him you have somewhere to be later, and meet in a very public part of town. You can never be too careful these days.
I'm with the last two ladies 100%. Maybe he's had one of these love at first sight episodes we all hear about. Good Luck Sweetie!
Yes to all the above. Don't want to be the one to put a downer on things but I am feeling that is just a bit too keen for anyone normal and a bloke. Can't imagine any of my nearest and dearest giving that much away that quicky. They'd just think that was weird. I think I would want a bit more emailing and a much stronger sense of background before the face to face. Caernarvon - only an hour from us, maybe slightly less. You could need to be here as an excuse to zip off - longstanding arrangement for dinner with an old friend. I don't mind being called old.
Well, if nothing else, it's good blog fodder! Oh, and ditto everyone else's comments.
Hand on heart I think he sounds a little TOO keen. However, it would do no harm to meet him for a drink, but make sure you have an escape plan ready. Get a friend to phone you after one hour and if necessary you can say it's an emergency and have to go. Good luck, and let us know how you get on.
Maybe I'm a cynical old crone, but reading his comments triggered my weirdo alert button. Maybe he is a genuinely lovely bloke who thought he'd have a go at internet dating and expected to meet a bunch of psycho lunatics and instead found you and is genuinely suprised hence his emails.
OR he could be a needy, clingy fruitloop. Hard to tell without meeting him. But I'd take a friend who I'd hide outside the meeting place to act as a bouncer. Have an emergency text set up. If he's a nightmare, text the friend, they flounce in and say: oh my god, how amazing to see you and drag you away.
Hmmmm.....weirdo....I think! Guess its POSSIBLE he is just genuinely besotted with you, but it all sounds a bit to speedy for my liking! Meet him by all means, but definately somewhere public, definately leave all details with someone and yes, DO get someone to phone you after an hour to check all is well. He just doesn't sound quite, well, REAL? And come back and tell all as soon as possible! We are all ears......
i think I agree with the others. Can't hurt to meet him (as long as you stay super safe as they've all suggested) but he does sound on the freaky side of keen. Maybe he's just uber genuine, but the dating cynic in me is leaning towards beige socks and a squint. Sorry - please prove me wrong!
Meet up with him for a drink - the man isn't going to rape you in the pub bar, is he?
I met the New Husband on a dating site and if it had been possible I would have met up for a drink quite early on to see if it was worth continuing; but he lived in Belgium and I lived high up in the Swiss mountains, so meeting for a drink would have been a little expensive!
So after a thousand emails and phone bills to make your hair curl we met on neutral territory in Barcelona ... and the rest, as they say, is History!
Wow, you are getting loads of really sensible advice. Do everything they say and see how it goes. At first I thought damn, you are having to drive miles for a meeting again, but then I thought best you have your own wheels for a quick getaway if necessary. Let's hope we are all proved wrong and he turns out okay.
Wendy (Wales)
Meet him. I am queen of internet dating. You will always wonder otherwise. Altho the super keen ones are usually more frog than prince. LLGxx
Screamish - thanks Mum! (though my mother is so desperate to pair me off with someone that she would happily send me off as a mail order bride if she knew how!!)
Rebekah- OK, details will be left and we are meeting in a pub which friends of mine run!
Cathy - does 'love at first sight' really happen???
Elizabeth - I too feel that his keen-ness is disturbing but despite that I have agreed to meet him. I may have to use you as my youthful friend!!!
Mrs Jones - too true on the fodder front. Thank god for blogging.
Not Supermum - I know, I know, he does doesn't he. And it has got worse in the last 24 hours. Too late now though. I'm committed to meeting him.
Home Office Mum - Oh lord, there is definitely a mass leaning towards the 'he's a weirdo' front... I too think maybe he is the King of the Fruittops.
Justme - another one on the 'he's odd side'. I'll line up a queue of phonecalls every ten minutes I think...
Mud - not you too. Does nobody out there think he could be George Clooney and I his dream date? Ok, so I don' thtink that either. I will be sure to check out his socks though.
Dragondays - how right you are, and finally someone who this demented system worked for! There is hope for me then, though I refuse to meet with him in Barcelona...
Wendy - Quick getaway could be all too important if he is a fruitloop.
Liberty London Girl - Thanks for the advice, I shall go prepared for Mr Toad and hope for better I think. You are right though. If I don't go I would always wonder...
Meet him! Absolutely! Do IT! It will be a grand story to tell us about later. And if he creeps you out...leave immediately!
Would love your feedback about my nourishment question!
Too keen translated into Singlutionary speak = desperate! I hate the ones that are too keen and seem to think that I am wonderful without even meeting me. How could they know? I am a much more complex person than a profile could ever show.
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