The title is 'Favourite Fictional Character'. I have come up with many cunning ideas for what I could wear to this. My favourite being Mavis the Fat Fairy from Will o' the Wisp (does anyone else remember that?? Heaven with Evil Edna the television). Here they are for you to admire...

I already have the figure for this, but couldn't face dying my hair blue and my wand is missing in action.
Having discarded that, I have had many hours in the car this week to think of cunning alternatives. Unfortunately I have not been near actual shops where I could then FIND whatever genius costume I came up with. Consequently I have done what I always do. Absolutely nothing. I live in the hope that on the night I will mysteriously come up with a fabulous idea which I can create using loo roll and double sided sticky tape (neither of which I have to hand).
This weekend's party is made more complicated by the fact that the cooking season has started again. So from Friday I am cooking for 14 people and will need to get a four course dinner onto the table in record time on Saturday night. The moment coffee is sent out I will do my 'wonderwoman' quick change in the kitchen before running off like a reverse cinderella to join the party.
So - back to my clothing dilemma. Bearing in mind how I am spending the weekend, I briefly considered The Swedish Chef, from the muppets. I just don't have the eyebrows for it though, and neither do I think I should be drunk in charge of a knife.

Then I thought I could go as God but that might offend those who think she is real, rather than fictional. My next idea was to dress entirely in black and decorate my Thumb with a small wig and dress and go as Thumbelina. All my black clothes are now dust clothes though and I don't have a wig small enough for my thumb. I wish I were a boy 'cos then I'd go as Captain Pugwash who is possibly my favourite fictional character ever. I have the perfect stomach for this costume so that would save on padding.

So, I now have to stop coming up with improbable ideas that I can't execute and instead, come up with a costume that can be made up out of bits of string, building rubble and carrot peelings. Any cunning thoughts?
My God, I am just so bad at this. I can never think of anything and was utterly hopeless when my kids went to fancy dress parties, thereby ensuring that they grew up hating them as much as I do. How about Cinderella? before the visit of the Good Fairy. I can lend you a range of buckets!
what about going as Bob the Builder? being child free I have no idea what he looks like but as you are in the midst of reno land you would have some tools and convincing wood shaving etc. to adorn your overall ... and a a quick stop at a shop might find you a plastic children's hammer ...
hmm I LOVE Mavis, but nec the most flattering outfits?! LLGxx
I'm going to a costume party this weekend with the theme "comics". And exactly HOW many female comic characters are there? Now try and think of some that are wearing more than a piece of string and a cape? Exactly! I've decided to go as Minnie the Minx. At least she has actual clothes on...
Elizabeth - I'm glad I'm not the only one. Thanks for the bucket offer!
Wendy - I don't think I look quite plastic enough for Bob!!
LLG - Ok, so maybe not but the blue hair is fetching?
Bevchen - what about 'olive oil' from popeye?
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