I have been in London a few times in the last fortnight and I have come to one inescapable conclusion. My underwear simply isn't good enough.
Let's get something straight here. It's not as if everyone was strolling around wearing nothing BUT underwear, but they all looked so well turned out, so co-ordinated and fashionable and in vogue, that they quite obviously were wearing beautiful underwear. Most likely the sort where pants and bra actually matched and were made of intricate lace hand stitched by elves, bred for the purpose.
All of a sudden my cotton knickers and tired bra, which only match because I accidentally dyed them all in the wash, felt horribly tired. I am a useless female and it is no wonder that I am single. It is beside the point that I can't remember when anyone last saw me in my underwear but perhaps they can tell just by looking at me that I am a failure on the lingerie front?
The thing about it is that I balk at the cost of lovely underwear. A decent bra and knicker set costs the same as the bathroom taps. I need the taps more. My priorities are obviously all quite wrong. If I had good underwear, I would have a lover who would then urge me to let him pay for the taps. I see now that good underwear would have been an investment that would have paid for all other things. Why did my mother never tell me this? Why did I have to wait until I was 36 for this vital piece of information to reveal itself to me in the middle of Kensington High Street?
The problem is now too big to solve though. My bank account is under severe strain at the moment and paying for new underwear was going to be an impossibility. I mended my shoes with duct tape the other day rather than buy more. You see the problem.
Something had to be done though and my solution was pathetic in the extreme. I bought underwear in the supermarket. It wasn't plain white or plain black which is my normal approach. There are small patterns that nobody but me will get to see and bows on the front in delicate red ribbon. This is harlot underwear in my world. I even bought a new bra which had lace on it. The extravagance is shocking, I know.
1 week ago
Steady on there!
Here's a tip. I got measured in Rigby and Peller, bought one bra, tried on tons and then went to TK Maxx where they have many of the same makes they sell in R&P but for a fraction of the price. I got a fabulous CK one for £6 a few weeks ago. And the pants are cheap too.
I'm too frightened to go into Rigby and Peller to be measured in case they mock me then force me to spend all my scaffolding money on scaffolding for me....
Perhaps I should try TK Maxx though, it has to be an improvement on the Supermarket....
I have to buy decent bras to try and keep my basoomers under firm control, so I pay a reasonable amount every 6 months or so. However, my knickers are all Bridget Jones type granny pants! Just as well I'm single cos if I ever started a new relationship the bloke would die of fright if he saw them. Or die laughing, one or the other...
I always feel good when I wear my red bra (not expensive!) but ... the New Husband is colour blind, so I don't think he has ever noticed!
Not Supermum - every SIX MONTHS OR SO? Are you telling me I should be buying new bras twice a year? Holy Cow. I really am a failure. I was more on the every two years or so school of thought.
Dragondays - I've never dared buy a red bra. I don't know why. I'm impressed by your savoir faire, even if your husband doesn't know what he is missing.
Welsh Girl - the only reason I buy them every six months or so is that they fall apart from the strain of keeping my boobs in place. If I had smaller bosoms they might last longer....
Rigby & Peller bars are VILE,
go & get measured there and then when they ask if you are going to buy any, do as I do, and simply say that none of them are to yr taste (and if they ask what yr taste is say you'll know when you see it!). They actually have quite a limited - and expensive range, so it's a gd excuse.
M&S do lovely bras for a tenner now. There is NO excuse for wearing hideous underwear! LLGxx
I get bras and underwear--the super cute sexy harlot kind-- for not so much at the maidenform factory outlet. do they have anything like that there? I bet not since factory outlets are typically placed in touristy suburban horrible places in America and you live in the quaint middle of wales.
I don't know how much is too much to pay for bras but mine are only about $7-12. Is that a lot? If so, then I really am a harlot. But I really enjoy them even if nobody else does!
It's a slippery slope you know - a little lace here, and pretty velvety ribbon there the next thing you'll be hooked. It won't just be Bra and knickers you know. It'll be hardcore...;)
I just realized: does this have something to do with the stripping going on at your house?
Don't go to Rigby and Peller - get measured in Selfridges third floor next time in London.
Or alternatively you can measure yourself under my instruction and I'll give you a guideline - then you go to figleaves and check out sale items.
You need to measure under the bust exactly- no looseness - in inches and then measure around the breasts.
Send me both measurement and I'll tell you your bra size with a few other points to check.
If you buy one decent bra for £24 it will last you and serve you better than a cheap one for six months.
Do you know, I went through a similar revolution at the beginning of the year! Luckily I timed by lingerie breakdown with the sales and was able to splurge on some very decent bargains in the Peter Jones sale - 2 sets of v pretty Princess Tam Tam underwear for £20 (would have been over £150 at full price!).
It does make you walk taller, although I do admit to scruffs on many occassions. Calvin Klein sales are also v good.
I have to get my scaffolding from Bravissimo. Big boobs cost a fortune to clothe, almost as much as kids! Cheapeast bras that fit me are usually £28 upwards. Sigh.
I recently spent well over £100 (which I couldn't afford) on 3 nursing bras then only managed to breastfeed for a month......gah!
notSupermum - aaah. Ok. Feel better now...
LLG - I'm sorry. I'll change I promise. I'll burn my hideous underwear and go to M & S instantly (well, once the plumbers and builders are finished and I have paid them. I wonder if they would take old underwear instead of cash?)
Singlutionary - they seem to range from about £10 to £150 but I get horribly thrown in the shops by the excessive choice and the fact that, once I have seen the expensive ones, I don't want the cheaper ones. Shallow I know. I must, I must, improve my bust apparel.
Tattie Weasle - Now I'm worried. What, in my innocent, rural world, could be more hardcore than lace and ribbons???
Singlutionary - no comment!
Make Do Style - I love Selfridges. That is the way forward I think... Thanks for the measuring tips as well.
Mud - I need to be bold and brave the sales. Normally I run a mile at sale time and hide in my hovel.
Insomnia Mummy - Ok, now that is a tale of bra woe. You (and your bank account) have my sympathy!
I only ever buy underwear if it's on sale. Which usually involves spending literally HOURS looking for one that fits. Apparantly my size is the most common.
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