Rubbish holiday. Grrr. Group of people did not mix well and I, as gracious hostess, was horribly distracted and saddened by the totally unexpected death of my Uncle at the beginning of the week.
He had what you could argue is the ideal departure for him. In the middle of a walk, hunting for butterflies, he sat upon a rock and never got up again. This is fine but it is fifteen years earlier than any of us thought he would go. My father said the saddest thing. "I have had a brother for 73 years, and now I don't". Heartbreaking for him and for my Uncle's wife and son.
I didn't come rushing home. There were reasons for it, and I think they were right, but this week is now a maelstorm of trying to cram a week's work into half a day, move flights around and find black clothes to wear for the various services taking place on Thursday and Friday.
I had to cancel a set of flights for work to france and move them to tonight, and I can't claim on the insurance because they want a copy of the death certificate and I can't bring myself to ask for it. It seems so callous.
So forgive my absence from the ether world for a while. I leave for France tonight and am back just for funerals before going away again for work.
I feel as though I never went on holiday. The only reminder is my still packed suitcase sitting in the hall, where I expect it will remain for another ten days, my still damp swimming costume rotting away somewhere at the bottom of it.
Use it or lose it
1 week ago
I'm so sorry sweetie, take care of yourself.
I nominated for a blog about it when you can.
I'm so sorry to hear about your Uncle. Take care of yourself x
I'm very sorry to hear of your uncle.
My heart goes out to you. So unfair. And such a shock. I hope the Loyal Hound is providing emotional bedrock.
oh honey
I'm so sorry. xxx
I am sure that you'll provide much needed comfort to your family during these times. I am so sorry for your loss.
So sorry to hear of your uncle's unexpected death, further complicated by all the plans you've had to change!
May you and your family find peace and courage in a difficult time.
Truly sorry to hear about your Uncle and the turmoil your life is in at the moment. Knowing how sensible and efficient you seem to be I am sure you will soon emerge from all this. x
Wendy (Wales)
I am so sorry about your uncle. Hope all the funeral related things are not too stressful and that the rushing around doesn't wear you out completely. xx
Sorry to hear about your uncle.
Take care and I hope things get better soon. xxx
So sorry. What a lot you have to cope with all at once. Sending you very best wishes and still hoping to see you when things have settled down a bit for you.
Take care.
Oh, so sorry about your uncle. And the holiday going as well as you would have liked.
just got back to the land of blogging and saw this. Hope you're hanging in there. Really sorry about your uncle.
to be very you centred, next year we must think of the perfect holiday for you, perhaps it will be staying at home with lots of doers
Thanks everyone. It meant a lot to hear from you all. The funeral etc all went as well as can be hoped (nearly a thousand people came which shows how well loved he was). I am now emerging at the other end of the tunnel so bad luck, you will hear more from me again...
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