Mr Farty has tagged me. I thought he was miles away but then there was a tap on my shoulder, he was there, and I was IT. Now I need to tell you seven random things about me or the world may end. It's that serious.
1 - I can't wear red lipstick or red nail varnish. I really can't. Red nail varnish scares the beejezus out of me when I see it because I think I must have caught my fingers in a mincer without noticing, and red lipstick just makes my mouth far too THERE. This means I have had to give up a promising career as a vamp.
2 - I wanted to be a National Geographic photographer when I was about 11. Then I wanted to be Lois Lane for a bit too.
3 - I can't bear the sound of people clipping their toe nails. Euurgh. Just thinking about it makes me squirm.
4 - I sleep talk in Welsh, though I can't speak it when I'm awake.
5 - If a book is REALLY, REALLY bad, then I burn it when I finish it so that nobody else ever has to read it again. I know, burning books, it's a crime, but so are really really terrible books. I'm just doing my duty.
6 - I have a mole shaped like Gloucetershire on my shoulder blade
7 - I once won a holiday to Peru and Bolivia......
So there you have it, the world is saved for another few hours. The responsibility for it now rests with Home Office Mum, Bevchen, Belgian Waffle & Katyboo1. I know you can do it. Now, hurry Flash - we only have 14 hours to save the earth........
Zyma is 3! (Three months late)
3 days ago
I've been tagged?! I'll have to put my thinking cap on. Although not sure who else to tag after me.
Hoorah! I was fed up of blogging about nits and now I don't have to. Will report back later when have saved son from death by too much television and a mother who ignores him...
found you at Mr. Farty's. With a name like that, who can resist?? I wanted to be a wildlife Photographer as well. and Harriet the Spy. And marry Mikey Dolenz. Where DO our dreams go???????
OK, I've done it. Whew, that was hard!
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