Much excitement when I returned to the frosty hills of wales as I found I have a new reader! Hello Loops! Now, loops said that she / he (I am going for she for no known reason) thought that my writing is very NWM, and she hoped I would take that as a compliment. The thing is, I never know what all the abbreviations mean. I thought LOL was lots of love, until one of the cybermen explained it was Lots of Laughs. I have been thinking of what NWM could stand for, and here is what I have come up with:
NWM - Not without Merit - ok, won't take offence at that.
NWM - Not with merit - wept for a while when I realised it might mean this. Am mortified
NWM - Not with Mayonnaise. Now, I am a mayonnaise fan, and will eat it with all sorts of things, but not necessarily with a blog. Think this one may not apply.
NWM - New Woman Magazine - think this could be mortally offensive but have never actually read said publication so it may be the worlds best compliment.
NWM - Nasal with Meaning - I didn't think my nasal accent came through in my writing. Oh god, does it?
NWM - Newtonian Woman Meddler - I am not, and never have been a Newtonian woman. Apples rarely fall on my head and I don't meddle in alchemy. I refute this one entirely.
NWM - Nearly Weeping Maid - I rarely weep, and have not been a maid for many years. I am a wench and proud of it.
NWM - Never Wear Mauve. I don't. It's a matter of principle and if I were to lean towards that part of the spectrum, I think I would be more of an aubergine shaded girl.
NWM - Needs working Man - OK, I do need a working man - a cross between a butler and a gardener would add a certain cachet to my hillside hovel.
I suspect that none of the above are acutally what NWM means - somebody, put me out of my misery and tell me.......
2 weeks ago
LOL means Laughing Out Loud. Your cyberman got it wrong!!
Darn it - and you haven't told me what NWM is.....
I suspect it means 'nice with malteasers'. I like to read your blog whilst eating malteasers (if there are any left in the house once the children have rampaged through). It's very soothing.
Or 'Never with mice'. I've never read your blog with a mouse either and I still find it very entertaining.
Nice with Malteasers - Mmmm, though I suspect that everything is nicer with malteasers.
Never with mice is worth consideration. I wonder if I should have a warning - 'THIS BLOG IS NOT TO BE READ WITH MICE'?
Non Working Monkey - another highly entertaining blog. Although I'm sure you are 'nice with maltesers'
Ha someone emailed me ROTFL and I was like 'say what?'. Apparently it means 'rolls on the floor laughing'. I'm so uncool!
NWM means Nearly Wet Myself(laughing)
Loops - phew! It's a compliment of the highest order.
Monika - I wouldn't have a clue what ROTFL was - I was going to go for Reach over the festering Llama as a likely bet.
It is me. Fact.
NWM!!!! I bow down before you in a monkey like way. Are you sure you aren't actually a Newtonian Meddling Woman?
You know I wouldn't have a had a clue what it stood for either.
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