I'm getting cabin fever. Seriously.
It is now the fourth day of being stuck in the snow and at the rate the snow is still coming down there are at least another two days to go. I'm not totally snowbound. I can walk off the mountain (or, like yesterday toboggan down 400 feet (in altitude terms) of mountain at ridiculous speed, shrieking like a loon) and hitch a lift to pick up supplies. This means that I'm not reduced to eating my shoes or anything in a Stalingrad style. However the inability to be independent and choose when and where I go, and for how long, is astonishingly frustrating.
I have caught up on all my chores. I've finished my work, thought about doing the filing. I've painted the second coat of paint on the bathroom, and painted all the beams in the house so that they aren't all black and glowery but elegant and taupey instead. I've fed the birds and plucked the brace of pheasant I had. I've cleaned the kitchen floor and watched nearly everything on my sky + box. I've read a book of John Updike short stories and finished A Thousand Splendid Suns. The Loyal Hound and I have been tobogganing just for the hell of it, rather than for transport purposes. This afternoon I think I will throw everything out of my wardrobe that I keep pretending I will fit again and hide it all in the car which has currently turned into a snowy storage depot. I am soon going to be forced into writing my own great novella just to pass the time.
More importantly my secret stash of kit kats is running low and I may have to resort to making fudge to keep me going. In addition the Loyal Hound is addicted to the snow and spends the entire time nagging me to let him go outside and play in it, again.
I watch the news and see reporters across the country discussing in all seriousness the fact that 'it has stopped snowing here in outer Cambridgeshire' or 'there are at least 4 inches here in the local town and people are having to walk to the shops' and I wonder if they even know that there are those of us who are quietly going crackers with genuinely limited access to the rest of the world.
So, entertain me, amuse me, make me feel connected to the rest of the world. Please!
1 week ago
Here are some things to cheer you.
I feel your pain. I cannot have a bath because we have no hot water. I want a bath. I wanna Baaaathhhh! Waaaah! If I could have one, I probably wouldn't want one.
Sympathies on kit kats. I am on my last packet of hob nobs.
Jason said we cannot bleed our radiators. It all works off a central drainage point. he showed me the pipe and the tap and then shot water into his eye!!!
Have ordered Emily Bronte shows you how to bleed a radiator. if it's any good I will send it to you for the craic.
Do not despair. sorry it wasn't very entertaining after all!
I'll swap you a kit kat for a hob nob....
I could have a bath for you if you want? Would that help?
I was really rather relieved when I managed to get back to work today! The snow has now gone from here, more or less, but then again, more is forcast for monday......which, if it is heavy again, will NOT be convenient as I have to fly to Glasgow on wednesday. But my main worry, that I would be unable to get to my hairdresser appointment tomorrow, has been lifted.
Running out of kitkats is a serious problem. I try tokeep PLENTY of chocolate on hand I find, for just these unforseen circumstances.....trouble is, the more you have, the more you eat.....
Console yourself with the thought that the Loyal Hound is happy?
And you still have hot water.
And the internets!
Sorry. I know you asked for entertaining and amusing.....ummmm...
Us over here in tropilcal Cambridgeshire had a monumental three and a half inches of snow today. This is unprecedented, and caused us to take the day off work, and google the word snow.
Justme - you don't know how lucky you are. You are free, free as a bird!
Andymule - what did Google say for snow then?
We have rain instead of snowing.
No entertaining or amusing stories at my end, although this may change if I give everyone food poisoning tonight. Well, for me it won't be even vaguely entertaining or amusing, but I'm sure other people will have a good laugh at me :-P
Bevchen - you were entertaining? Who? Why? What did you cook?
Who - friends
Why - because I promised someone lamb and mint sauce in February
What did I cook - see above.
I did not poison anyone, so still no amusing stories for you I'm afraid.
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